Blood Analysis will contain a long list of items – Blood cells Iron – Blood sugar Ete.
When your doctor looks at your blood analysis and says you are within the normal range – that is not saying much – since what that means is your between the lowest 5% of people and the highest 5% of people. The test is relativistic and not optimal in nature.
The blood test for glucose is measured after fasting for 8 hours. As you can see after 8 hours of fasting you cannot tell if you are a normal or pre-diabetic. The pre-diabetic (RED) line will not be discovered by your typical Blood glucose test. By the time you cannot get your blood sugar below 100mg/dl and the doctor notices this – you are already a diabetic and in a disease state.
We give you a report on every blood measure and where it should be for optimal health. This is preventive defense to optimize your health.
We will give you advise on all blood ranges and the optimal level for your health. Supplements, Vitamins and medications will be suggested for you.
We use Life Extension for our bloodwork. We will send you a number of vials for blood draw at any doctors office or Laboratory.
You will need to ship this to Life extension for analysis and then when we get the analysis we will review the results with you and suggestions for optimization of your health.
- Blood Cells – Red & White
- Lipid Profile – Cholesterol HDL – LDL
- Thyroid Profile – T4 & T3
- Vitamins and Minerals
- Measurement of inflamatory markers
- Sex Hormone Profile – Testosterone – Estrogen – Progesterone
- Renal Function analysis