Foods – All too often, seemingly healthy snacks are secretly loaded with sugar, saturated fats, and carbohydrates. That’s why we handpicked the most healthy foods that are delicious and incredibly easy to cook with. After all, rule number one for sticking to a smart meal plan is to not get bored, and these healthy ingredients will keep you on your toes (promise!).
You’ll notice something that all these healthy foods to eat have in common: each one is a basic ingredient, such as a grain, fruit, vegetable, or dairy product. Read: no pre-packaged products with a laundry list of strange-sounding ingredients in sight. You can use this as a rule of thumb when shopping: if the food is simple, wholesome, plant-based, and/or comes from the periphery of the grocery store—i.e., where the produce, eggs, fish, and other whole foods tend to live—you’re in good shape.
Exercise – There is no way around it – I have looked ! Exercise is a essential ingredient to better health. You need to find the one that works for you. Running is hard on your joints and dangerous with cars on the road so for me I chose an eliptical machine to avoid joint damage and put a 1/2 hour TV show that I love on to keep my mind occupied – before i know it the show is over and i have done my exercise.
Vitamins – Essential to many metabolic reactions in your body as well as serving as anti-oxidants against the buildup of free radicals in the body
Supplements – are Herbs found over time that help the body function particularly if you have a genetic deficiency in a particular reaction the herbs facilitates.
Hormone replacement (HR) As we age the protein synthesis of the body diminishes and with with lower hormones that serve as signals to the body to age. Replenishing the hormones not only signals the body to stay young but improves the positivity of the individual to life and others
Medications – control the progression of any pathological process in your body if not controlled by all of the above actions on your part. Be aware that most medications have negative side effects that need to be compensated for with Vitamins or supplements. Ex. Metformin – take B12)