Environmental Aging
Your destiny is not in your genes but how those genes are expressed. We measure how the human genes are expressed in your cells and mitochondria, to get a better portrait of what is happening in the whole body at a cellular level.
A healthy gut flora supports our immune system, makes vitamins, and other nutrients. It is known to be connected to your overall wellbeing, weight, energy, mood, stress, and increasingly—many chronic diseases.
The method of delivery at birth (Vaginally vs Ceasarian) can predispose you to differing health outcomes via your inherited microbiome. Your microbiome is the ecosystem of trillions of microorganisms living in and on your body, like bacteria, viruses, bacteriophages, yeast, fungus and mold.
The environment you are raised in ( amount of exposure to bacteria, pollens ete) can determine your allergies in later life. Did your mother sterilize your crib and all your toys or did you crawl around being exposed to all manner of bacteria as a youth.
Most of us eat what our parents gave us and grew to like it and will most likely eat that food for our entire life. Was the food you ate grain feed or corn fed ? Did the animals receive hormones to fatten them up to improve profit ? Were antibiotics used on the animals you ate on a continuous basis so they could packed by the thousands into a factory farm ? Did the animals receive hormones to fatten them up to produce greater profit ? Did those estrogens in those cows cause cancer in a female you know ?
Your gut microbiome is linked to your weight, energy, stress, sleep, immunity and overall health. Our Viome test measures what’s actually happening in your Gut. >20 scores and insights on inflammation, microbial activity, richness & diversity, metabolic fitness and gut lining health. With this Viome Analysis we guide you with a friendly app that advise you on the foods to eat – the foods not to eat, and the super foods for your gut microbiome.